Promises from the administrators

Published on 12.05.09 05:11 Age: 15 yrs
Category: Introduction

Letters : 1344 Words : 258

By: The Administrator

A few promises about the future of the site

Here are a few promises we are willing to make :


  • We will never force a visitor to click on multiple pages to read a single story or a single chapter of a story. This is often done by websites to force more page views and thus, more advertisement revenues
  • If we do ever place advertisement on the site, it will be very limited and unobstrusive
  • We will never place keyword ads in the text of articles
  • We will never place pop-ups or pop-under ads on the site
  • The only time we will collect e-mail address is from the writers, and only for the process of the publication. We will not spam them.
  • If we publish your stories, we will never charge you anything for the publication, even for being included in a compilation. In our opinion, money flows from the publisher to the writers, not the other way around.
  • If articles are one day sold on the site, it will only be at the request and for the profit of the authors.
  • If an article is ever published free of charge, it will never be offered for sale later
  • In other words, this is not a switch and bait operation. We are trully dedicated to offering a non-profit repository of naturist fiction stories. This is not an hidden corporate venture.





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